1. Post 053


    The 0.1 release of jbig2dec is now available. I didn't get in the user interface cleanups I'd planned, but the main idea was to get a non-cvs version up so we could get wider testing. ghostgum was kind enough to build a win32 binary as well ...

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  2. Post 052

    GNU Ghostscript

    raph, I'm glad you wrote more about the gag order in the GNU Coding standards. From your previous entry it sounded like you'd drunk a little too much kool-aid. :)

    I've been in theory working on resolving this, albeit at a very low priority. It's ...

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  3. Post 051

    Advogato DNS update

    I've just propagated the ip address change to the .net and .com dns records, so if you're used to used to using one of those domains instead, they should be working again.


    Went to Bruges, in Belgium last week. Our first expedition to the ...

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  4. Arrival in London

    N 51°31'53.3" W 0°02'09.6" (63m) 20020607 10:19 UTC

    The journey ends. I arrived in London a little over a month ago, and have pretty much settled in. Took the above reading from the window of our flat which has a really nice view ...

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  5. Post 049

    N 32°11'00.0" W 110°46'12.7" (900m) 20020530 19:08 UTC

    Oh desert how I missed thee. Arrived at my father's house outside Tuscon last night after an uneventful, if excessively legged, journey from Seattle. It's warm at last. In the northwest I'm ...

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  6. Post 047

    N 47°37'22.6" W 122°19'20.1" (82m) 20020525 02:30 UTC

    Farewell Vancouver.

    Left Vancouver this morning, the last time for a while. Seems like it took forever to get the last bits packed and stored and everything cleaned. Kira was unfortunately unable to find someone ...

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  7. Post 046

    A belated Ottawa entry

    N 45°25'28.2" W 75&deg41'57.4" 20020508 16:37 UTC

    We did make it to Ottawa as planned, and I got to admire the fabulous parliment buildings from all angles. I was really struck by what a difference the requirement for natural ...

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  8. Post 045


    dyork, sorry we'll miss you. Would be interesting to meet, but we'll just be up for the day I think. At least the weather looks good. We'll be back in Kingston until Monday, then we're catching a ride to Toronto with one of Sandy's ...

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  9. Post 044

    N 44°13'49.1" W 76°34'25.4" (110m) 20020506 15:36 UTC day 7

    Got to the house in Kingston a little after 11pm last night. Nice to sleep in a real bed! Just finished unloading the car. Have to take the trailer to the uhaul place ...

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