N 51°31'53.3" W 0°02'09.6" (63m) 20020607 10:19 UTC
The journey ends. I arrived in London a little over a month ago, and have pretty much settled in. Took the above reading from the window of our flat which has a really nice view of the sky.
Flew Virgin Atlantic, but was disappointed in the individual-screen thing. It was nice enough, but the image quality wasn't was I was used to from lcd screens (analog feed) and both the you-are-here live map display and my game controller were broken, which was about all I was interested in.
Haven't had too much chance to play tourist. We've been doing about one day a week, with the rest spent on work and getting the household established. So far we've seen St. Paul's Cathedral, the South Bank, bits of the British Museum, the new British Library, Greenwich Observatory, Camden Market, a couple of bridges and a fair bit of general wandering around looking at architecture.
Tomorrow we're off to Cambridge, my first trip out of town. The agenda is pretty much worshipping at the altar of Cambridge University Press.
Been spending a lot of time on ghostscript, making up for all the moving time. Lately I've been concentrating on jbig2dec, which has been a lot of fun. We've just gotten it to the point where it's decoding other people's files so one can claim it's marginally useful now. Fortunately the current crop of encoders don't seem to be very aggressive.
Also adding native macos font enumeration and loading, which is less fun but an oft-requested feature. I need to spend some time on the mac port in general. The build system hasn't kept up with revs in the metrowerks compiler, and we really need to do an updated release of the macos viewer.