1. Post 043

    N 46°32'50.2" W 84°19'07.2" (220m) 20020505 01:26 UTC day 6

    Today we drove along the top of Lake Superior, all day. In Sandy's words, 'It's a real lake.' The lake itself didn't seem to be frozen (it has breaking swell ...

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  2. Post 042

    N 48°25'21.4" W 89°14'12.9" (200m) 20020504 14:55 UTC day 5

    Rocks and trees, trees and rocks...We left Brandon around lunchtime, and headed on to Winnipeg. We stopped for actual lunch there a couple of hours later, not bad chinese food. We thought ...

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  3. Post 041

    N 49°53'17.5" W 99°56'59.0" (430m) 20020503 13:30 UTC day 4

    Ended up not going to the art gallery in Saskatoon. We got up late, and it was hard to find parking for the trailer, so we just had lunch and headed out. Around ...

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  4. Post 040

    N 51°27'28'24.0" W 112°47'14.8" (670M) 20020501 17:30 UTC day 3

    The Royal Tyrrell Museum was great. We got there about 11:30 local time, and just barely managed to see everything before it closed. Highly recommended if you're in the area ...

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  5. Post 039

    N 51°27'25.4" W 112°42'07.1" (670m) 20020501 05:11 UTC day 2

    Came through the Rockies today, and made it all the way to Drumheller. We're staying here tomorrow and visiting the Royal Tyrrell Museum.

    The mountains were just beautiful. Lots of texture and ...

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  6. Post 038

    N 50°06'28.1" W 120°46'17.6" (630m) 06:50 UTC

    Merrit, BC. We left at 7:45 local time after dinner and making my room a bit more guest-suitible, since K has a friend in town. Three and a half hours and 250 km later, we ...

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  7. Post 037

    N 49°14'16.7" W 122°42'23.7"

    Picked up the trailer from the U-Haul franchise without a problem. It's smaller than expected, but we got pretty much everything important in it. I have too much stuff anyway.

    So, a little bit of straightening up to do ...

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  8. Post 036


    Just talked to the local U-Haul representative. They don't seem to be a very together outfit; she acted like I was be lucky to be getting the trailer I reserved a month ago at all, and we have an hour's drive (each way) to pick it up ...

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  9. Post 035


    We dropped of a cubic meter of stuff at the shipping company yesterday. It should leave Canada mid-may, and hopefully arrive in the UK sometime near the end of june. Another milestone passed.

    Down to just the laptop now. read more

  10. Post 034

    N 49°14.666' W 129°05.062' (80m)

    S suggested I plot my upcoming travels as part of the diary, so I bought some really nice batteries for the GPS, and here we are with the pre-voyage check. Just got back from a nice 20 minute walk while it ...

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