Spending the weekend at the Vancouver International Folk Festival, which in addition to being a fair bit of fun, is one of my favorite places for discovering new artists. Too bad I can't afford to buy any ...
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Post 011
that pesky job thing
I'm officially out of money this month. After the rent check and DSL bill clears, I'll have cdn$195.80 to my name. Doesn't sound so bad, but about half of that goes for car insurance toward the end of the month. I ...
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Goodness, it's been a while. Probably too much to describe here, but I've been held back in commenting on other folks' diaries by the lack of personal updates to mine.
April 30th was my last day at the university, having decided to drop out at the end of ...
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Productive software weekend. Worldforge recently moved services to a new server, and I've been helping with that. It's nice that they trust me enough to do sysadmin stuff, and I seem to know more about it than most involved. Not sure why I ...
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Hum. Job situation may be looking up. Mainframe, where I 've wanted to work for some time, apparently has a couple of movie contracts now, as well as the tv stuff. Time to hit them up again. Also looks like I have a place on the internet series a friend ...
read morePost 007
So I edited my last diary entry yesterday, changing a typo, and the date was updated. This shouldn't happen.
Two days with the new post doc. She's picking things up pretty fast, and seems willing to write up my erstwhile thesis for publication, which is a very good ...
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So, after too little sleep all week, and getting a odd craving for the Matrix soundtrack from watching Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula (Keanu Reeves) on tv mixed with a quoting car commercial (over and over) I find the cd ...
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The end of my graduate career. (more or less) I've been stuck "just writing up" my thesis for about the past year, and the closer I got to finishing, the harder it got to work on. I'm bored with the project, burned out on school, sick of beating ...
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