1. Post 023


    Last week, I saw an announcement (I like here) about a BSD-licensed, stripped down GNU readline replacement. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, could you please let me know where to find it? I've having no luck.

    Senility, or poor organization? Only time will tell.

    Saved ...

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  2. Post 022

    My mother sent me this article from the washington post. One of the meanings is, "Why move there when it's going to be just like here." It will be sad if we start looking at Jean Chrétien (whose name ...

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  3. Post 021

    Open Hardware licenses

    Ouch Michael, that's not the GPL you're thinking of. And I'd strongly suggest you lose the 'can not sell' clause; they just don't work. Is it selling if I charge $20 for ...

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  4. Post 019

    Went to a good talk on SVG by Chris Lilley, put on by the vanx. 'Twas effective, I was all set to run home and add SVG to the list-of-things-to-put-in-Ogg. I'm waiting til the evangelical effects wear off before bringing it up officially though. :-) Still, it conveniently adds weight ...

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  5. Post 018


    dyork, afiact the advantages of the XML version are buzzword compliance and ubiquitous tools. There will be more people doing xml than sgml, and there will certainly be (are?) more widely distributed tools for dealing with xml documents. Moving there will leverage a lot of activity; you can probably ...

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  6. Post 017

    sej, you can link to specific diary entries. Look at the source for the person's diary entries. Would be nice it this were brought out though. Maybe an undecorated link on the date heading?

    No news on the text/xml stream front. In the meantime I've gotten distracted ...

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  7. Post 016


    T gets back from familial visits tomorrow night. Looking forward to seeing her again; I've missed her more than usual this time. :)


    Feeling depressed about the job thing. I really don't want to full-time job, and feel trapped by the nominal conventions of professional computerish employment ...

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  8. Post 015


    So kj bought an iMac last week, and promptly pointed out that MPW is available for free on apple's ftp site. Cool. Apple's come a long way from "you gotta send us money to even see the ...

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  9. Post 014

    One thing that's always bothered me about economics is the way the arguments are always presented in words, and not very many of them. No models, no examples, no equations—it's like debating philosophy. Now, perhaps it's like political science, where (I understand) you can only explain ...

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