Ugh, had a nasty cold the past week. Was pretty much out of things for the first 4 days. Second time I've been really sick this year. Wonder what's up.
Met Julie Payette on Friday. She was ...
read moreUgh, had a nasty cold the past week. Was pretty much out of things for the first 4 days. Second time I've been really sick this year. Wonder what's up.
Met Julie Payette on Friday. She was ...
read moreWell, been back in town for two weeks now. Starting to feel settled in again.
Utah-glx has moved to The services are nice, but I'm a bit irked that they felt the need to create a new site just so they could advertise better. Our previous home ...
read moreWell. A diary entry. The first one, in fact. Fun idea, but I'm going to have to write some kind of export feature before committing too many entries. :)
I noticed Advogato some time ago; it was pointed out as a possible 'slashdot successor' now that that fine forum is ...
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