1. GPL Ghostscript 8.57

    We've released Ghostscrpt 8.57. This one came much sooner than usual after the previous release, but still not as long as we wanted.

    The good news is that having drawn a line under recent work, we're now merging the ...

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  2. Helvetica


    While in Montréal for LGM 2007 we went to see a screening of the new documentary film Helvetica, about the typeface. It was entertaining, and I learned a lot, so definitely ...

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  3. LGM 2007

    Went to Libre Graphics Meeting in Montreal this past weekend. It was a good meeting, with lots of good developer interactions. Sizeable portions of the Scribus, Inkscape, GIMP and Blender. It was especially nice to meet some of the Scribus people, who I've been talking to on IRC for ...

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  4. Post 089

    mikal, try gst-launch v4l2src num-buffers=1 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! jpegenc ! filesink location=shot.jpg

    However, my webcam takes a few frames to stablize, so this doesn't really work. You can use multifilesink location=shot-%05d.jpg and ask for 10 ...

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  5. Bad phone karma

    So we moved recently. To a bigger, nicer place. Which is great. But along with our address, we changed our phone number.

    You see, our previous phone number was previously (previously) the fax number of a modelling agency. When we first got the number three years ago after

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  6. Post 084

    It's a pity so many people seem to have left, but it's also nice to be able to read the complete recentlog again. :)

    SteveRainwater have you changed the "multiple posts in a day clobber each other" behaviour? I think the planets have demonstrated the value of letting people ...

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