1. Post 063

    fresh snow

    Finally got around to upgrading my desktop system. Actually, snow has been the server-in-the-closet for a the last couple of years, but when rain died early year I amalgamated parts and started using it as a desktop. We shipped it to London, and it's been doing double ...

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  2. Post 062


    Discovered the distributed proofreading website for Project Gutenberg. Beautiful low tech approach to community building. I've been doing a couple of pages a day. It's nice and relaxing, and feels good to contribute. I tried scanning a book for pg once, but just burned out on doing ...

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  3. Post 061


    We finally saw the Rosetta Stone. They'd 'restored' it since the last time I was there (1989). Mostly this involved cleaning off the wax that made the inscription easier to read and putting it in a glass case. It's prettier I suppose, but much colder, and even ...

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  4. Post 060

    Apple's gcc slow

    bratsche, Apple's gcc runs noticeably slower than under linux on the same hardware--more than the general kernel penalty. Apple 'did something' to their build that really slows it down; if you compile your own gcc it goes much faster. I've not looked to see ...

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  5. Post 059

    Chroma keying

    chakie: just a guess, did you pull out only one color value, or a range? It looks like you didn't get enough of the marginal values. Chroma keying is a bit of an art--you basically want to set an alpha proportional to the amount of the key ...

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  6. Post 058

    back in the UK

    Got back thursday from my trip to SF. Had a nice time, but it's nice to be back. Still getting over the travel skew, but mostly better now. Going east is definitely a lot harder.

    We went to the Science Museum yesterday. It was quite ...

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  7. Post 057

    GNU Ghostscript

    I'm just going through the documentation for the 7.06 release. The main point is Richard Stallman's request that we remove all references to the non-gnu ghostscript (and associated website &c.) After that I'll send it to the FSF for review and hopefully we'll ...

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  8. Post 056


    Spent quite a lot of time trying to upgrade my subversion server now that snow is back online. It hasn't gotten any easier to build, but things are finally working again, so I was able to check in the hopfield model code we found the major bug in ...

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  9. Post 055

    tibook lust

    bgeiger asked if the tibook was worth $500 over the ibook. I certainly think so, but I'd break it down differently. The G4 is only worth the difference if you're doing number crunching or graphics where altivec (and the much better gpu) will make a difference ...

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  10. Post 054

    childish countries

    chakie, I suppose I meant that the typical connotation of 'terrorist' (as least in the US) is not someone who might reasonably be accused of war crimes, but someone who uses a particular brand of violence to attack the established local order, to attack an 'us' that explicitly ...

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